Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Year with Resolutions to Keep.... or Break

Every year people all over the world make resolutions to start the year with great intentions. Unfortunately by mid February, the intentions and zeal of the resolutions are long forgotten. I am one of those people. I hate that when you make resolutions, you almost always reach for too high a goal, and set yourself up for failure. It's either that or the goal isn't a measurable thing i.e. "Be healthy" or "Stop Worrying." I decided to keep this all in mind when making my resolutions for 2012.

1. Go to bed between 9:30-10:30pm most of the time.
-This was actually a resolution from 2011 that I did a descent job of keeping... but it's not quite habit yet.
2. Get reacquainted w/ FlyLady and her wonderful purple ways.  
-For those of you that don't know: is a wonderful site full of tips and methods for cleaning, organizing and decluttering your home AND keeping it that way.
3. Unpack and declutter ALL boxes from us moving in November.
-I love this one because it is a very measurable/visual goal.
4. Finish reading the 4 books I started last year- AND review them (on here).
-Last year my resolutions included "Read 6 books". Well I failed at that, but I did START 4 books :)
4. Start blogging again...once a week?
-Again this is a measurable goal. Yay!

Notice that I have nothing on the list referring to losing weight or getting in shape. It's not that those aren't goals of mine (in actuality they are HUGE goals). It's more that I don't want to list these things as ToDo's... :)