Sunday, December 2, 2012

Escape from your vices!

vice n.

a. An evil, degrading, or immoral practice or habit.
b. A serious moral failing.
c. Wicked or evil conduct or habits; corruption.
A vice is different than a pet-peeve or a bad habit. A vice is something that corrupts your way of thinking and your day to day life. A vise effects the outcome of not only this particular day, but every decision made in this day, thus effecting the future as well. What are your vises? I'm not talking about your list of bad habits, pet peeves or personality quirks, though some of those may fit under the "vise" category as well.

What are the things that put an immediate damper on your day for no real goo reason? No one's fault, not even our own, but yet we let these things get to us. We let them ruin our day and effect all those unprepared souls around us for the wrath of our dismal day to follow. I am just as guilty as any other  (if not MORE so) when it comes to ranting on social media. And as we all know, this solves nothing. If anything, it just makes the problems worse. We are above the middle school stage of passing notes and snide looks... or so I thought.

Using the definitions above to identify your top 3-5 vices (No more than 5, we want to be able to focus). Now with this list make a solid effort to release yourself from these vices. These are the things the devil loves. This is where he thrives. This is his favorite part of you. If that's not reason enough to run away from the vices fast, than I don't know what is. Here are mine.
a. An evil, degrading, or immoral practice or habit.
           I get full of contempt every single time I have to do the dishes (which is every day, since it is solely my job).  I always get upset that no one will do them for me, even though I know it is my responsibility and my job, and I should be happy to bless my family by using my talents in such a way to show my love for them daily.

b. A serious moral failing.
          I continually fail to get into God's word, both for me AND my girls. My inner voice tells me that I know all there is to know about my Lord and Savior, and that digging deeper won't get me anything additional: emotional or spiritually. Through so many personal testimonies, I know that to be false. Besides all of that, it is SO extremely important for me to take over the Head of the Household position until the right person is ready to step up. I cannot wait for someone else to take action in this area, but for now I need to trust that God has put this into my hands for a reason.
 c. Wicked or evil conduct or habits; corruption.
          My evil and corrupt thoughts boil down to one main thing. Blame. I blame others for my shortcomings. I blame others for my lack of connection to God. I blame others for my sin and the ease in which I fall back into sin.
Blame started in the Garden of Eden, with Adam blaming Eve, who blamed the Devil, who blamed God for for putting temptation in their faces.

Conclusion: God loves ME (and you!) so much that he sent his son to be punished for me. He sent Jesus to take all of my vices on his shoulders. My vices are all to be thrown onto him. My worry is gone. My sins have disappeared. I am perfect. Through Jesus perfect life, God seeing me as holy and an acceptable guest at his banquet table. Now let's spend every day thanking Jesus for the sacrifice He made for us His children, whom He loves more than anything, and give praises of pure Joy and  Hallelujah to my God and Father for sacrificing His only son for millions, just so I can deserve to be in His presence.

My personal Father,
   Thank you for everything You have chosen for me. The strength and courage You showed here on earth is just a small example of Your wonder and endless love. I hope and prey to know You more and more, so I can continue to properly thank you for all You have given me through eternal life and through earthly peace by releasing me from my earthly vices.


  1. Lots of good thoughts here, Em, but I think you need to proofread and edit.... :-)

  2. There... first drafts are tough with children in ear and on lap. :)

  3. yay for blogging! you're too sweet to link to my site, too. <3 always hope you're doing well!
